Film Photography 96 Megapixel Film Scans: Are They Worth the Extra Effort and File Size? Is it worth using the high-resolution mode of the LUMIX S5IIx when scanning 35mm film?
Film Photography Five Essential APP's for Film Photographers Today, I want to share my favorite (iOS) APP's I
Film Photography Develop your Color Film at Home - Shopping List I regularly get asked what kind of equipment is required for developing
Photography Gear Revuenon Special 135mm f/2.8 - Showcase I bought this Revuenon lens end of 2020 for roughly 10 €. The
Film Photography PORST 135S Review - A 5 € Rangefinder Camera I spotted this cute-looking rangefinder-style camera on eBay for around 5 €. So
Photography Gear Auto Rikenon 55mm f/1.4 – First Impressions The Lens Compared to my last vintage lens, this one is a
Photography Gear Auto Revuenon 50mm f/1.9 – First Impressions The Lens Initially, I wanted to buy the famous Helios 44-2. When