PORST 135S Review - A 5 € Rangefinder Camera
I spotted this cute-looking rangefinder-style camera on eBay for around 5 €. So I thought, why not giving it a try.

When it arrived I was a bit bummed since the light meter wasn't working at all. And since this camera is fully automatic, the light meter is kind of essential. After quickly inspecting the battery compartment I noticed that the contact was corroded. I decided to clean the battery contact and voila, the light meter worked!

I did a bit of research about what battery I should use since the originally recommended batteries are no longer available.
I found this Flickr post which mentioned that LR44 alkaline batteries can be used as well! However, due to the voltage difference, exposure compensation of around one stop is required. Since the Porst does not have a dedicated exposure compensation dial it is necessary to set the ISO setting accordingly.
For Example:
- ISO 800 Film => Setting the camera to ISO 400
- ISO 400 Film => Setting the camera to ISO 200
- ISO 200 Film => Setting the camera to ISO 100
- ISO 100 Film => Setting the camera to ISO 50
Of course, this is not 100% accurate but it will work pretty well with negative film.
After inserting the new battery and dialing in the ISO I was ready to load my first film roll! I decided to use a roll of expired AGFA APX 100 first. And what should I say, the results are really great! I was really surprised tbh!

My first roll with the PORST 135S - an expired roll of AGFA APX100 black&white print film
Next, I loaded a roll of Fomapan 200

PORST 135S - Fomapan 200
I really admire this soft, sometimes painting like look of this camera.

But the Porst is not only good for B&W film but also for Color Film! I decided to try some of my favorite color stocks next! The Lomography Color Negative 400.

PORST 135S - Lomography Color Negative 400

PORST 135S - Lomography Color Negative 400

PORST 135S - Lomography Color Negative 400
Last but not least, a few beauty shots of the PORST 135S