Film Photography My First Year shooting Film - 2020 I compelled a few infographics about what and how many film rolls
Film Photography Two Rolls of expired Kodacolor VR Plus 200 Results from two rolls of Kodacolor VR Plus 200 that expired in 2005.
Travel New York City Walking Itinerary – Brooklyn The Itinerary will cover the following points in this order: Brooklyn Bridge, Dumbo, Skyline View, Brooklyn Bridge Park, Brooklyn Heights Promenade, Pebble Beach, Manhattan Bridge.
Photography Gear Auto Rikenon 55mm f/1.4 – First Impressions The Lens Compared to my last vintage lens, this one is a
Photography Gear Auto Revuenon 50mm f/1.9 – First Impressions The Lens Initially, I wanted to buy the famous Helios 44-2. When