Another Day in the Darkroom

Another Day in the Darkroom

After my hand printing darkroom workshop, it was time to put the learned techniques into practise and create some more prints.

A week ago, I did a darkroom colour printing introduction workshop at Rapid Eye Darkrooms in East London. You can read about it here.

Since I wanted to put the learned techniques into practise, I booked another darkroom session a week after my workshop. This time I would be printing on my own. Luckily, there's always someone from the Rapid Eye team around who you can ask for tips and how to achieve certain things.

When I arrived at Rapid Eye, I started setting up my workspace, enlarger and got my negatives ready. Then it was time to create my first contact sheet. However, it didn't really work out as I thought šŸ˜‚. I forgot to engage the filter, hence the colours and exposure were completely off. Luckily, that was easy to correct, and so I created my first proper contact sheet and exposure test.

After deciding on the exposure time and correcting the green colour shift I've got a nice contact sheet.

With the contact sheet done, it was time to do my first full-size print. So I've put the 645 negative into the enlarger and started printing. This photo was taken in Margate with my Fuji GS645W on Kodak Gold 200.

The first print came out a bit too cool, but with a bit of help from the Rapid Eye team, I was able to correct that and warm it up a bit.

With the first print done, it was time to move to the next frame from that roll.

Super proud of how they turned out! With the second print done, my three hours in the darkroom were already over, and it was time to pack my stuff and get some nice food!

Had so much fun creating these prints, and I'm super proud and happy of the results. Also, I've already booked my next session.

Cheers, Jan