A Snowy Night captured on Film - Kodak Portra 800 & CineStill 800T

A Snowy Night captured on Film - Kodak Portra 800 & CineStill 800T

It started to snow quite heavily this day back in February 2021 so I decided to go out and take some snowy night photos. All the shots were taken in the old town of Mosbach, Germany.

I picked up my Nikon F65 and loaded a roll of Kodak Portra 800 first. I was really excited to try out this film stock for the first time.

So let's get started with the Contact Sheet form this roll:

Kodak Portra 800 - Contact Sheet

Wow! I'm absolutely impressed by the results! The colors are gorgeous! Some of the shots are slightly underexposed because I accidentally changed the settings when taking it out of the camera bag ;-)

Now let's take a closer look at my favorites from this roll. With the first half of the rolls I captured the snowy marketplace in the middle of the city as well as the town hall. It's really rare that all of the inner city is covered in snow.

After that I decided to stroll through the alleys of Mosbach.

Also I found this beautiful Volkswagen covered in snow!

After finishing the roll of Portra 800 I loaded a roll of CineStill 800T next! It's super interesting how the colors of CineStill differ!

CineStill 800T - Contact Sheet

I really like this typical CineStill look of the lights and street lanterns.

Hope you enjoyed these shots!