My First Three Rolls of Medium Format Kodak Gold
Kodak Gold 200 is now available in medium format, and as a long-time fan of the 35mm version, I couldn’t wait to try it out. I took my first rolls to London in April 2022, shooting with my Rolleicord V camera. The sunny weather was perfect for capturing the rich, warm tones Kodak Gold is known for.
Recently, Kodak started selling their mighty film stock Kodak Gold 200 in medium format as well! Kodak Gold is one of my favourite 35 mm film stocks. It's (kind of) cheap, super versatile and looks gorgeous on a sunny day. So, I ordered a few rolls of medium format Kodak Gold just after the announcement.
I decided to use the first few rolls during my trip to London back in April 2022. In this blog post, I want to share these results with you. All captured with my Rolleicord V 6×6 camera. Exposed at box speed and developed as usual.

We had some beautiful sunny days in London! Really, the perfect weather for Gold.

That's me! My wife did a fantastic job taking my portraits!
