A Whole Roll of ILFORD HP5+ shot on a Snowy Sunday
In this post I wanna share a roll of ILFORD HP5+ with you. Most of the shots were taken around the Castle Hornberg in Neckarzimmern, Baden-Württemberg, Germany on a super snowy Sunday.
I shot this roll with a Pentax ME Super and a Pentax 50mm f/1.4.
The first four frames were taken on a previous weekend with only a bit of snow.

I started my photo tour in Neckarzimmern and started the small ascent to Castle Hornberg. On my way to the castle, I focused on capturing the snowy townscape of Neckarzimmern.

As I arrived at the castle I started trying finding new perspectives and scenes. I already shot a lot of times at the castle so each time I'm trying to challenge myself and finding new spots and motives :-)

I messed up something during development so the last few frames are a bit strange ;-)